Monday, August 2, 2010

Assignment 2 : MY GEODESIC DOME

A dome is a place where people gain shelter and protection. We were being issued to make our own geodesic dome using bamboo satay stick..
aiks...BAMBOO again.. tak habis habis using BAMBOO..
Well, we were also being introdued to the dome calculator which is the first step to start the prodcution of our dome.

First and the foremost, i search through the website and decided to make a 3V geodesic dome.

-part of the 3V geodesic dome that show us how to start our work.

I had made up my mind to do a 3V dome with a radius of 15cm.
This is the requirements that i have to fullfill.
30 A bamboo stick with a length of 5.229cm
55 B bamboo stick with a length of 6.053cm
80 C bamboo stick with a length of 6.186cm
When the dome is ready, i shall have
15 4-way connectors
6 5-way connectors
40 6-way connectors


-Bamboo sticks with different colours
A ( Blue )
B ( Yellow )
C ( White )

-The uhu gum which plays an important role to support my structure.

-My first triangle was done ^^

-1/2 of my work had done.

-The upper view of my work.

- YEAH, I am happy with it =D

- DONE !



Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Assignment 1 : Virtual Contruction

A pictorial blog that illustrated where i came from ...

This is my story before i became part of the APEX UNIVERSITY...


I love to dream, i found dreaming n imaginating is something fun and enjoyable.
i do enjoy the excitement and euphoria when i am imaginating something that might be happen in the future. As my age increased, i started to plan for my future.
Soon, all the pictures of my imagination tend to become my intention.

These are the buildings in KL.
As everyone knows, KL is a famous city though the land is limited. The KL tower is just located at the centre of the picture.
My intention is - To be a successful interior designer in the future and make my name at the top of the world as KL tower did.
What a great ambition huh ...


I started to cultivate my interest in drawing. I draw at anywhere, anytime, every minutes and even every second, my mind are running with pictures and colours.
Even at the Morib beach which is located in Banting where my hometown is, i DRAW !!

Besides that, i eat a lot..
i love foods. haha.
sounds greedy right.
well... part of my action to be successful in the future is to take care of my stomach !

THE RULES and regulations

To pass through the obstacles, there are a lot of "do and donts" that we have to follow. Take a look at the picture, which one is able to pass through ? and before that, i have to get a passing ticket first.
Same goes to our life, perhaps, its no doubt an ideal act that we go step by step, slow and steadily when we are confronting with certain problems. When it came to a solution, we felt proud and relieved for solving them with our god given brain.


Since i was a baby, my parents started to educate me so that i will be a well-educated person in the future. The term "well-educated" doesnt meant that i passed my examinations with flying colours only, its also reflects how i behave and my personality.
ONE gorgeous day, i received the letter that i was EAGERLY WAITING FOR !!!!
I felt tears in my eye! This is the product of my hardwork and finally my name was listed in USM.


This is where i belongs.
Taman Cempaka which is located in Banting, Selangor.